28/10/2024 0 Comments
The Archbishop's Visit to St Denys - stories and snapshots
The Archbishop's Visit to St Denys - stories and snapshots
The Archbishop's Visit to St Denys - stories and snapshots
# News
Published by Sera Rumble on Monday, 28 October 2024 16:06
The Archbishop's Visit to St Denys - stories and snapshots
The visit of Archbishop Justin and Bishop Philip to St Denys was a time of sharing stories and creating new ones.
Stories of encouragement and of sorrow; of music and of homelessness; of struggle and of gratefulness were all shared during the visit. God's faithfulness was a theme that emerged a lot.
Since then, St Denys folk have been telling stories of the visit: of being listened to, of being blessed, of being served bread, wine and soup. And of laughter and ordinariness.
Here are just a few photos of the visit, and if you click on them, you'll get to the bigger version that you can download.