02/07/2024 0 Comments
Sam and Cat Update- Spring 2022
Sam and Cat Update- Spring 2022
# News

Sam and Cat Update- Spring 2022
Hello St Denys!
What a time to update you! This week I have had my final lecture of the year. Although my learning is far from over this year (I still have more assignments than I personally think is reasonable!), it is the first of many markers on the journey. Over the last term I have learnt so much but something God has particularly highlighted to me is how blessed I am to have my church family in support of my ministry as a future female church leader. I have over the last term seen how others have not had the same blessing and am so thankful for all your prayers and support.
Sam had a dream come true this term when he was browsing organ consoles on ebay (as an average person does of course!) and came across a cheap one that naturally fits in our garage. After a day long trip with a big van, Sam’s new home organ is safely installed and played daily (with headphones thankfully for the neighbours!) When not playing the organ, Sam has been taking ancient Greek classes at the college to read the New Testament in its original language. He is absolutely loving it and hoping to carry on next year.
Over the last term we have grown some really good friendships with others in the college community which has been a wonderful answer to prayer.
Moving forward we would appreciate prayer for:
- More energy! This is likely to be a recurring prayer point but a last burst of energy to get us through to then end of the term.
- Relocation. We are awaiting allocation of college housing to see if we can relocate closer to the college. Prayer that we will be offered a home that works well for what we need and in terms of distance.
- Discernment. We are contemplating moving churches next year and would be grateful for prayer on this. We also would love prayer for more general discernment over our time at college to help us clarify what our future ministry should or should not be like.
By the time you read this Sam and I will hopefully be enjoying some RnR on a canal boat with two good friends. We hope you all have a good Easter full of joy of the risen Lord.
Love Sam and Cat.