02/07/2024 0 Comments
Holy Week and Easter Services
Holy Week and Easter Services
# News

Holy Week and Easter Services
Easter is for everyone, and so we've partnered with Highfield Church to offer a range ways to enable different people reflect, pray and worship this Holy Week and Easter.
Online: Christ's Journey to Cross
In this beautiful 15-minute video, the voices of St Denys tell the story of Christ's Journey to the Cross using Mark's Gospel and the windows of St Denys depicting the passion. Last year, many people found it to be a valuable part of their Holy Week contemplation, so we're making it available again this year.
Watch at a time that suits you, just click here.
Online: The April Simple Service - The Cross & Christ's Open Arms
Phil and Sera combine scripture, prayers, music and images from everyday life to explore what Jesus had to say about the cross in John 12.
Available from Sunday 10th April, just click here.
Sunday 10th April: Palm Sunday Service with Communion, Baptism and Kids' Groups.
A relaxed and informal communion service, where all generations will come together and celebrate Palm Sunday. We'll also be baptising one of the youngest members of our church family. Everyone is welcome to join in, worship and stay for a cuppa afterwards.
In St Denys Church at 10am, Sunday 10th April.
Monday Evening, 11th April - Prayer Together: Embracing Justice
An informal half hour of praying together around the theme of Embracing Justice. It's a time of tuning in to God's heart, and uniting together in prayer. There's no pressure to pray out loud!
In St Denys Church 8 pm to 8.30pm, Monday 11th April.
Maundy Thursday, 14th April - Taize Service with Communion
A contemplative service of prayer and Holy Communion, with piano and solo voice leading the worship.
In St Denys Church at 7.30pm, Thursday 14th April
Good Friday, 15th April - Messy Church Easter Special
A great way for kids and their carers to celebrate the full good news of Easter. Crafts, games, refreshments, music and a story. Come along, bring a friend, have a chat and let's celebrate Easter.
In St Denys Church, 1.30 - 3pm, Friday 15th April.
Good Friday. 15th April- Service: At the Cross
A thoughtful service combining songs, prayer and Bible teaching, as we gather and focus on the cross.
Please note: this service is at Highfield Church, 2pm, Friday 15th April.
Easter Day, 17th April- Easter Communion Service for Everyone
Let's celebrate together that Jesus is alive! All generations are welcome to this informal service which combines songs, prayer, friendship and Bible teaching.
In St Denys Church, 10am, Sunday 17th April