Clergy Changes at St Denys

Clergy Changes at St Denys

Clergy Changes at St Denys

# News

Clergy Changes at St Denys

So, what's happening with a clergy post at St Denys? And with links to Mike and Highfield?

Over the last year as a PCC we've been working with Bishop Debbie to resolve a position where there were no clergy (apart from Mike) allocated to work at St Denys. 

The situation arose because during the period of large cuts to the number of clergy Sera was employed as a curate (funded from a different pot), and so we had no dedicated allocation of clergy for St Denys. With Sera's time as a curate coming to end, we were sure we need clergy allocated to St Denys. 

Throughout this year, the PCC has met with the Bishop and the Archdeacon, and developed a shared understanding of St Denys, where we are and our vision. We've also expressed that expecting Mike to take up the burden was unsustainable. The meetings have been very positive, and Bishop Debbie agreed to look into what might be possible.

The need to change our Priest-in-Charge

Eventually, a bid to central funding for 'First Incumbency Funding' that could support a "Common Tenure Interim Post" (doesn't the Church love jargon!) was approved. This is a 3-year funded post (possibly extendable for another 3), which gives us and the wider church some breathing space to come up with a long-term plan for ministry here. 

However, as it was structured it would be a "vicar" level post, and we couldn't have 2 "vicars" at the same time. So, Mike has needed to resign - his resignation creates a vacancy, which can be filled by the new post. He'll end as Priest in Charge at St Denys sometime next week. He will continue as Priest-in-Charge at Highfield.

Both the PCC and Mike were saddened by having to make the decision to end the formal role but recognised that it was the best way forward under the circumstances. We're tremendously thankful for all Mike has done for us, and look forward to continuing to work together in the future. 

'Friendship' as a way of understanding our connection

We plan to continue working alongside Highfield where it makes sense, recognising the strong links and the fruit that the relationship has grown, for example in areas of prayer, youth ministry, older people's ministry and operations.

It's been amazing to see informal connections and friendships form between folks who worship at St Denys and Highfield. We look forward to these continuing and flourishing.

Mike will continue very much as our friend if not our Vicar and will be here on the 20th of November as planned. We anticipate that both Mike and Sera will have informal parts to play in the ministries of Highfield and St Denys. 

Next steps towards Sera becoming Priest in Charge

There is as usual lots of church admin with all of this - we plan to accept the Bishop's recommendation for a candidate (she plans to nominate Sera), will interview her ruthlessly, and are optimistic she will pass with flying colours, and hopeful she will accept the post!

All this should take place over the next two months, with Sera in position. Her curacy has already been extended to cover the period, and at the end she will (God willing) be our Priest in charge.

Please continue to pray for everyone involved in this. And be thankful! God has been so faithful to us - taking us from a point where there might be no post to a full-time position for Sera. It's a real recognition that who we have been and our desire to reach out to our community have been recognised by the wider church and that they share in our desire to move our mission forward.

Tim Nickels

(Lay Chair of St Denys PCC)

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