02/07/2024 0 Comments
A Message from Martin
A Message from Martin
# News

A Message from Martin
Dear everyone
Thank you all for your fellowship, blessings and prayerful presence over the many years I have worshipped in this church with my family, and especially for the last 12 years as I have served in the office.
Working in God’s name in this community has meant such a lot to me, and the Church at St Denys will always be that which is closest to my heart.
I will remember you all in prayers regularly, and I offer these words for you now:
“Thank you Lord for the joyful sound of worship in this church: For the musicians, welcomers, readers, servers and service leaders;
For ministers past, present and future; for prayer teams and home groups;
Thank you for summer fetes, fonts and zip-wire teddies
For book sales and art festivals
For concerts, choirs and carols
For food banks, curry nights, cakes and shared meals;
For holidays, cell groups, walks and working parties;
For all those that come to the services either regularly and occasionally, And for all those that come through the doors of the centre.
May they continue to find in Your Place the support, hope, resources and provision they seek;
May you Lord bless those that will come after us, reminding us of your continued and faithful presence here for the past 160 years.
I thank you all for the part of each of you has played in my journey and the spiritual home this place has become for my children.
I came to Christ through St Denys Church through encouragement and Alpha with Kelvin, and that changed my life.
As I move on now, I do so with deeper understanding Wisdom, good grace and strong meaningful friendships that will endure beyond time and circumstance.”
“May the peace of God The fellowship of the Holy Spirit And the committed passion of St Dionysius be with you all, evermore”
With blessings and sincere love,
PS - Please come along to my party on Sat 26th November, info available here.