02/07/2024 0 Comments
David And Christine Update - January 2023
David And Christine Update - January 2023
# News

David And Christine Update - January 2023
David writes:
'From our side, I'm happy to let you know we picked up our residence permits (including work permit for me) on Thursday, and we've actually arrived in Kondoa now, on Friday. I'll be sending out an official newsletter before long, but it's nice news to be able to share sooner. Still getting the house a bit more ready, but after some teething issues it's becoming quite nice to set up house and making it a home. And people have been enormously welcoming and kind. I start teaching around the 11th of February, starting with systematic theology (in Swahili!) and English for those students going on to the Diploma. I'm actually writing from Dodoma, as I'm off there to pick up a visiting friend from The Gambia, and also our two dogs we have to supplement our new guard in security (plus a little bit of an excuse to get pets, to be totally honest!).
We'll write a newsletter soon, but I wanted to send our love and best.'