02/07/2024 0 Comments
Lent Book 2024: How To Be (Un)Successful
Lent Book 2024: How To Be (Un)Successful
# Discipleship

Lent Book 2024: How To Be (Un)Successful
I was intrigued when I came across a book all about being unsuccessful and flourishing. 'Choosing love over efficiency, depth over volume and real friendship over cold transactions'.
It then got even more interesting when the foreword described the writing as being 'delightfully disruptive'. Having started the year preaching that the Spirit of God can be disruptive, it seemed that this could be a good book for us to be reading.
I thought it'd be good to delve into 'How to be (Un)Successful' by Pete Portal for our Lent Book 2024. You can read more about it here. Or read the blurb at the bottom of this Blog
So, will you join me in reading 'How to Be (Un)Successful' this Lent?
And would you be interested in joining a Lent Book Group to discuss it with others? Each group will meet 3 times through Lent, focusing on 2 chapters each time. It's totally fine to read it and not join a book group, the choice is your.
If you are interested, click on this link to sign up and also to order a copy of the book. You can order a book through us, choosing to pay either £8 or £2 (choose whichever price suits you better). And we'll get to the book to you by Feb 14th.
