02/07/2024 0 Comments
St Denys Church features in a new inspirational video about the small
St Denys Church features in a new inspirational video about the small
# Nature

St Denys Church features in a new inspirational video about the small
'It's great to see we're part of something much bigger'. This was the response of St Denys folk as they watched this short video.
The Church of England has shared a new inspirational video about the small steps we can all take to reach our ambitious goal of being carbon net zero by 2030. And we are part of it.
Here at St Denys, we started our journey in January 2023 of cutting our carbon footprint by focusing on our electricity consumption. And in the first 12 months we've reduced our usage by a third in comparison to the previous year.
We shared the lessons we've learnt and the practical steps we've taken in a number of blogs with the hope that they'd help others take action (you'll find them below). These were spotted by Helen and the national church Net Zero campaign team. They asked us if they could share our stories and our reasons for action with the hope of helping others take action. So we said 'yes'.
Our story was added to the stories of other churches, cathedrals and schools, and the result is this new launch video for the national Carbon Net Zero 2030 programme.
We hope that it inspires you and encourages you, and hopefully helps you see that we are all part of something much bigger.

Practical Examples of How We've Reduced Our Energy Use
5 Ways to Start Reducing Energy Use
A Year of Reducing Our Energy Usage: Lessons Learnt So Far