02/07/2024 0 Comments
Messy Church: Get Excited, Get Involved!
Messy Church: Get Excited, Get Involved!
# News

Messy Church: Get Excited, Get Involved!
Hi there, it's Jackie S and Sera R, .
We’re really excited to be able to tell you about plans for Messy Church at St Denys for the rest of the year, and we’d love as many of you as possible to saying ‘YES’ to being involved!
We want to give kids and their families opportunity to explore some of the Big Stories in the Bible of people who were Friends and Followers of God. For many kids these days, they don’t know the stories at all. And for others who do, we want to give the chance to delve deeper.
So we’re planning 4 Sunday afternoon sessions, plus hoping to run a Pop Messy Junk Modelling session at the Summer Fete, and inviting everyone to the Christingle Service on Christmas Eve.
Each of the 4 sessions will be in the main church on a Sunday afternoon (3-4.30pm) combine the following:
- An hour’s activity time including: food activities, craft activities, aisle-running challenges, a wander-around-quiz, a quiet space on the stage for babies & their carers with books, junk modelling, slide and ball pool activity, and a water/sand pit activity (yes we’ll keep kids and floors dry and safe)
- Celebration time with a song and telling of the Big Story.
- Refreshments served throughout
We need volunteers to help these things happen. If you’d like to be involved, email Sera (serarumble@gmail.com) and tell her what of the dates below you can help with. It really helps to know in advance who can help!
It’s going to be a great chance to help kids and their families encounter God,
So let us know if you’d like be part of it
Messy Blessings Sera R and Jackie S (Come and chat to us at church if you want to find out more about Messy)
Read on to find out a bit more information:
Date | God’s Friend and Follower focus | Examples Elements to explore through activities and the celebration story & song. |
Sunday May 12th 3 – 4.30pm | Moses |
Saturday June 22nd 11 – 2. Pop up Messy with Junk modelling at the Summer Fete | ||
Sunday July 14th 3- 4.30pm | David |
Sunday October 13th 3-4.30pm | Daniel |
Sunday December 1st 3-4.30pm | Mary |
December 24th: Everyone invited to Christingle |