02/07/2024 0 Comments
Snapshot: Pastoral Hubs - whole church care.
Snapshot: Pastoral Hubs - whole church care.
# Ministry and Mission Snapshot

Snapshot: Pastoral Hubs - whole church care.
I've been very conscious this week that each person and household is being impacted by the current crisis in different ways. The challenges brought by Coronavirus are embedded on top of the struggles, creativity and resourcefulness that are distinctive to each individual. And it's been amazing to witness the care and kindness that has been expressed in many different ways. Recognising that part of 'being church' is to look after our brothers and sisters in Christ, this week we set up Support Hubs to connect & support as many people as possible. These are groups of 5 -10 people, coordinated by a Link Person, who will make contact with each other at least weekly, aiming to support one another in different ways. Already I am hearing news of Hubs actively seeking each other out, encouraging each other and being Christ's love in these challenging times. Thank you everyone.