02/07/2024 0 Comments
PCC Agenda 11th November 2020
PCC Agenda 11th November 2020
PCC Agenda 11th November 2020
# News
Published by Catriona Rawlins on Tuesday, 20 October 2020 21:57

PCC Agenda 11th November 2020
This is the PCC Agenda for the meeting on 11/10/2020 at 7.30pm.
This is our first PCC following our annual meeting. We will be looking ahead to Christmas and how St Denys can best serve in its worship and mission.
Meeting of St Denys PCC 10th November 2020
- Opening Prayer
- Apologies
- Corrections and confirmation of minutes of the meeting on 8th of September 2020
- Matters arising
- Independent examiner
- Ministry Matters
- Christmas
- Standing items
- Deanery Synod
- Safeguarding
- Policies
- Working groups
- Web presence
- Site management
- Global and local mission
- Finance
- Finance committee
- Another other business
Next meeting: Tuesday 19th of January 2021 at 7:30pm