02/07/2024 0 Comments
PCC Agenda: September
PCC Agenda: September
PCC Agenda: September
# News
Published by Sera Rumble on Monday, 26 July 2021 15:04

PCC Agenda: September
Meeting of St Denys PCC
1-Opening Prayer
3-Corrections and confirmation of the minutes of previous meeting
4-Matters arising
- GLM update - verbal from Tim
- BPP completed
5- PCC Arrangements
- Ask if anyone willing to be the secretary.
6-Ministry Matters
- Covid & restrictions - written report by Sera
- Update on Pastoral Reorganisation & Clergy Resourcing - brief verbal report by Mike - outcome set a date for a PCC meeting focused on this issue.
7-Standing Items
- a)Deanery & Diocesan Synod - Tim to give verbal report.
- b)GDPR
- c)Safeguarding and Safer Recruiting - Sue to give verbal report
- d)Policies - Sera to give verbal report
8-PCC Sub Groups
- a)Site Management - Sue & Vikki to give written report
- b)Discipleship Vision Group - Sera/ Tim give verbal report
- d)Digital Engagement - Sera to give verbal
9-Finance Update - Andy to give written report.
Date of the Next Meeting: November 16th