02/07/2024 0 Comments
BOOK SALE & Spring Craft Fair - Donations and Volunteers
BOOK SALE & Spring Craft Fair - Donations and Volunteers
BOOK SALE & Spring Craft Fair - Donations and Volunteers
# News
Published by Ana Mota on Thursday, 10 March 2022 12:23

BOOK SALE & Spring Craft Fair - Donations and Volunteers
The next Book Sale will be held in the Church on Saturday 26th March, between 11am and 3pm. As before, we are now collecting books to sell at the event.
We need a team on the day to:
- keep the books tidy during the event
- sell the books and take money
- clear away after
- sell refreshments during the event
We need a team before the event to:
- sort the books
- label the books for pricing
- set the books out for sale
Please do consider how you can get involved with this, it was very successful last time but key volunteers and staff are not available this time. Local volunteer Tim Pateman is co-ordinating the project, which will be running alongside a Spring Craft Fair in the Main Hall. Two storytellers will be performing during the afternoon, and there will be noticeboards advertising reading groups and local authors