02/07/2024 0 Comments
Guidelines: Leading, Preaching, Presiding & Music at Onsite Simple Services
Guidelines: Leading, Preaching, Presiding & Music at Onsite Simple Services
# Managing Covid 19

Guidelines: Leading, Preaching, Presiding & Music at Onsite Simple Services
The Simple Sunday Service -Onsite
The Simple Sunday Service is a service for everyone that aims to combine reflection, music, prayer and the Bible so that people at all places in their life and faith journeys can meet with God. Some of these services are Online and some are held in the Church Building.
This guide is for the services in the church building. I would expect the service to be about 45 minutes long. It takes into account the steps we need to take to reduce the risks related to Covid 19. Two key safety principles are maintaining social distancing and avoiding multiple people touching the same thing.
This updated version includes guidance on face coverings.
Presiding at Communion
- There will be a box containing wine, wafers, cloths, hand sanitiser and 2 different liturgy booklets (please check with the Service Leader you're using the right one), antiseptic wipes.
- Sera or the wardens can get the cup and plate for you from the safe.
- Please use the hand sanitiser before beginning the Eucharistic Prayer
- Only you (the priest) is to drink from the cup.
- You do not need to wear a mask when presiding, but must wear one when distributing communion.
- Communicants will line up in a single line to receive the bread. Try to avoid skin-to-skin contact when you give the wafer.
- When you pray a blessing on someone, please don't lay hands on them.
- If someone is unable to come forward for Communion, it's fine to go to them.
- When the service finished, please use antiseptic wipes to clean the cup and plate. Return everything else to the box.
- When you leave, walk down the South Aisle and wait in that area to talk to people (discourages large groups from blocking the exit)
- You do not need to wear a face mask while preaching
- You will need to stand at a separate lectern with a separate microphone (avoids multiple people touching the same lectern and mic). Please use the mic, so that people at the back and sides can hear you, and so the service can be recorded (just the audio).
- Aim for between 5 & 10 minutes in length, with time for reflection and prayer afterwards.
- Two readings are given each week. The recommendation is that you preach on the one in bold, but if you want to use the other, that's fine. Just tell the Service Leader.
Service Leading
You have a dual role of leading the worship service and stage-managing the different resources on stage (minimises the other people needing to handle things)
- You do not need to wear a face mask while leading
- A green tray will be on stage containing the remote control for the laptop, hand sanitiser, a lighter for the candles.
- If you want a projector, Sera or the wardens can get it for you. However you need to bring your own laptop.
- Stage Management: Before the service (and after hand sanitising), please light the candles, set up the projector if you want it, check the Communion Table is set up, check the right liturgy booklet is on the Communion Table, do a sound check on the mics.
- Liturgy: there will be two different Simple Service Communion Booklets with 2 different liturgies in them. The rota says whether to use A or B. This will be available in paper form and also on people's phones via Church Desk Enews.
- Music: liaise with the pianist about how you want to use music as part of the service.
- Children are welcome in the service. We are offering individual Activity Bags for younger and older children to help them connect with the service. Acknowledge this. Maybe grab one to see what is in it. Stewards will make these available. If children move around, don't panic! The responsibility is that parents try to encourage social distancing. Maybe mention this at the start of the service.
- Things you can do - Make use of the second reading instead of singing, have the piano playing at different points, use images on the projector, invite people to talk to each other, encourage people to stand still but move their arms, hands etc.
- Things you cannot do - Ask people to sing or shout. Ask people to move near to each other or touch each other. Ask people to pass things to one another.
- Managing the Start - I expect people will come in gradually, due to having to give their names and contact details when they enter. So cater for a gradual beginning, allowing people to are already present to focus in on worship eg reflecting on words from the second reading.
- Managing the ending - remind people they are welcome to stay and chat, but there are no refreshments. Ask them to leave any service sheets or re-usable materials in the Resource Drop Boxes. Encourage people to follow the flow of arrows which means leaving by the South Aisle.
- When you leave, walk down the South Aisle and exit the church, encouraging people to gather in the car park to chat without masks.
- Currently the emphasis in on instrumental music, as singing is not allowed. Nor is the playing of wind instruments.
- Due to simplifying the number of people involved, there will not be any amplification for your instrument, so I suggest piano is the best.
- Hopefully no one else will have played it during the week, as there's a sign requesting this, so it should be clean.
- Music can be incorporated into the service in a range of ways, eg playing background music while people reflect on a Bible passage, playing a hymn while people reflect on the words, creating a mood with different types of music. I suggest you liase with the Service Leader the week before to hatch a plan.