02/07/2024 0 Comments
How Will You Journey Through Lent this year?
How Will You Journey Through Lent this year?
# News

How Will You Journey Through Lent this year?
How will you journey through Lent? How might you be transformed?
The season of Lent is an invitation to change our regular rhythm of life for a season and to be transformed for a lifetime. Rooted in Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness, it is a time to examine our lives truthfully, to seek God's ways afresh and to prepare for the sacrifice and celebration of Easter.
So how are you going to do this? And how can we do it together?
We've been really inspired by the Church of England's 'Live Lent: Embracing Justice' theme, which is built on the words in Amos 5:24 'Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream.' It feels that this resonates with the verse that's been important to us this year as a vision for the church: Isaiah 43:19 'I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.'
So, here are some resources, prayer opportunities and services we think will help us in our journey through Lent. Which will you do?
Start the Journey Together
Ash Wednesday Service: Wednesday 2nd March 7.30pm in the church.
A quiet, reflective communion service in the choir stalls of the church. We'll be marked with the ashes and begin our journey through Lent together.
Come together to pray
Pray Together for Justice: Each Monday evening of Lent- 8-8.30pm in the church
Sera & Vikki will be leading a time of prayer based on the weekly theme from Embrace Justice including Exodus & Liberation, Building Communities of Justice & Justice in the Shape of the Cross.

Do things as a family
Use the Kids & Family Booklet 'Live Lent: Embracing Justice'
We've got Live Lent Kids booklets for all the families at church. Alongside 40 challenges, there is a weekly theme, Bible passage and short prayer. You can collect one on a Sunday morning, or ask at the office.

Tap into daily readings, prayers and practical challenges
Use the adult 'Embracing Justice' app or booklet.
Each day there's a reading, short reflection and prayer as well as a practical challenge. You could register for the daily app via the CofE website or get a booklet for free from church (just collect one on a Sunday morning or ask at the office)
Click here for info on Iphones, and here for info on Android apps. Alternatively simply type 'Live Lent Embracing Justice' into your preferred app store.
Do the Small Group series on Embracing Justice
Use the 6 Home Group Sessions produced by the Church of England to explore together themes linked with justice.
Each session includes a video by a well-respected Christian with thought-provoking insights into different aspects of justice. You can find out more here.