18/09/2024 0 Comments
Use of Church Site by Worshippers, Public and Hirers Risk Assessment - an example
Use of Church Site by Worshippers, Public and Hirers Risk Assessment - an example
# Foundations Risk Assessments

Use of Church Site by Worshippers, Public and Hirers Risk Assessment - an example
Okay, so this risk assessment might seem ridiculously ambitious! It covers the use of our church, community centre and outdoor area by a wide range of different users. This might seem a task to vast.
Yet we handled it as a broad-sweeping Risk Assessment that was undertaken by a new member of staff, with the attention on the big picture rather than the minute detail. And we found it to be a really constructive experience.
You can find the Risk Assessment here.
This Risk Assessment is held alongside other specific Risk Assessment for particular groups, and it has been really valuable for establishing the framework that other fit into.
So I encourage you not to be daunted, but to have a go at the big picture risk assessment. Feel free to use ours as a springboard, but as ever... adapt it to your context.
Click here for the big one, the Use of Site risk assessment