02/07/2024 0 Comments
Reminding our Warden Not To Worry...
Reminding our Warden Not To Worry...
# News

Reminding our Warden Not To Worry...
It was a joy to accompany Louise to Romsey Abbey this week, as she was officially admitted to role as warden of St Denys Church.
We joined with about 300 wardens, clergy and other supporters from across the local parishes in a service that was full of wisdom, encouragement and worship of God.
'Do not worry' was Gary Philbrick's (the assistant archdeacon) theme as he spoke on Philippians 4:6-9. I loved his insight that 'do not worry' is not the same as 'do not care!' Rather it is a challenge to bring all we care about prayerfully to God.
'Keep the main thing, the main thing' was the heartfelt plea of Gavin Foster, a barrister, priest and one of our Diocesan registrars. By this he meant the Church's calling to proclaim Christ's redemptive and transformative love in the world, and to give everyone the opportunity to encounter this for themselves.
Encouraging words for our new warden!
Can I ask that you commit to regularly praying for Louise in these coming weeks as serves the church in this leadership role
Written by Sera
June 2023