08/10/2024 0 Comments
Indicators - Monitoring & Reporting Back to the PCC and Others- 2 Tables & 3 Colours
Indicators - Monitoring & Reporting Back to the PCC and Others- 2 Tables & 3 Colours
# Foundations Indicators

Indicators - Monitoring & Reporting Back to the PCC and Others- 2 Tables & 3 Colours
Indicators need to be presented in ways that are accessible and meaningful. Over time, and with particular help from Rev'd Jean Burgess, we've established a reporting system with our indicators that allows the key information to be seen at a glance, with enough additional information for questions to be answered and trends to be spotted.
We use two tables and three colours.
Table A: The Current Situation
This table answers the question: 'How are things now?' Alongside giving the key statistic or summary word, it also offers space for factual detail such as the names of groups and the amount of different aspects (see the image below). This helps add flesh to the key information and offers more understanding the PCC or leadership group. Thus their questions can then be 'why?' or 'where next?' rather then 'what?'

Table B: Change over Time
This table answers the question: 'How does this compare with where we were?' The Table has space for the indicators and colours for each 6 month check. No extra information is needed. Once two or three checks are done, it's possible to look back and see how things are changing.

Three Colours: Red, Orange and Green
Every indicator is allocated a colour at every 6 month check. This means that at a glance it's possible to tell health of that indicator within your church context. It helps those who are not comfortable with numbers or words to get a sense of the situation. We experimented with various versions, but in the end settled on something really simple.
- Green = thriving
- Orange = basics are being competently covered
- Red = struggling or quite limited
This might seem too simplistic. It certainly has limits and raises questions such as 'what are the standards for moving between colours?', 'who decides when something moves up or down a colour?' and 'how can such as wide range of indicators have the same description?'
We settled on a simple description and no stated threshold for two reasons. Firstly because the colours and descriptors are there to enhance what the factual numbers or statements say. Secondly because of the pragmatic decision that there is limited time and capacity to think through and define 31 thresholds. And thirdly because all the indicators are context specific, and therefore a threshold for one church will be inappropriate for another. These indicators are telling the story of one church.
Feel free to agree clear thresholds for your indicators. If it helps, do it.
For us at the moment though, the decision about what colour each indicator is allocated is decided by looking at the current number, comparing it with previous indicators and considering the context of the parish. It is based on the amount shown through the indicator, but also through the depth and quality that underpins that indicator.
I admit this is limited, but for us it is good enough to help us understand what is happening, to thank God and to plan ahead.

Useful Resources
- An editable template: A table with our 31 Indicators - click here
- An example: A document showing what an 18-month report looks like with our indicators - click here
- An editable template: Containing two blank tables, one for reporting current status and one for showing change over time - click here
- Blog with tips for 'Getting Started with Indicators '
- Blog with 'Examples of the Indicators We Use'
- Blog which tells our story of 'Why we Value Indicators.'