08/10/2024 0 Comments
Indicators -Getting Started with Your Church
Indicators -Getting Started with Your Church
Indicators -Getting Started with Your Church
# Foundations Indicators
Published by Sera Rumble on Tuesday, 8 October 2024 12:12

Indicators -Getting Started with Your Church
It takes time, lots of listening and some disciplined refinement to establish helpful indicators for your church. You can draw on your experience and training, and the input of others over a few weeks and months as the indicators take shape. It can actually be really interesting and affirming.
Below are a few tips and links to templates that might help you.
A few tips:
- Advocate the positives about indicators - remember that they are a way to tell your story.
- Listen to your local context - take time to listen to people and find out what matters and what people value.
- Consider the bigger picture - what does the diocese or wider church need you to include?
- Discern God's calling and direction - and do this collaboratively. An away-day with your leadership team or PCC is great idea.
- Use some of our existing indicators as a starting point - and then ask 'what is missing?' and 'what is not relevant?' in terms of telling your story,
- Include the things that you value, and the things that you're bad at presently but want to develop
- Think missional and think broad
- Accept that one or two individuals will need to do the fine-tuning of the indicators, you'll probably get the broad strokes from others.
- Allow time (maybe 4 to 6 months) for the indicators to feel settled and appropriate, you will probably need to do some tweaking after the first couple of reporting sessions.
Templates & Examples:
- An editable template: A table with our 31 Indicators - click here
- An example: A document showing what an 18-month report looks like with our indicators - click here
- An editable template: Containing two blank tables, one for reporting current status and one for showing change over time - click here
- Blog with 'Examples of Indicators and where to find the information.'
- Blog about 'Monitoring Indicators and Reporting Back with them'
- Blog that tells you a bit about our St Denys story and 'Why Indicators Have Been a Good Thing.'